The MOSCOT optical roots were first planted in America by great grandfather and family patriarch, Hyman Moscot, who arrived from Eastern Europe via Ellis Island in 1899. Hyman began selling ready-made eyeglasses from a pushcart on Orchard Street on Manhattan‚ famed Lower East Side, and the rest, as they say, is history!
In 1925, Hyman’s son, Sol, joined the family business and at the tender age of only 15, he opened the family‚ first retail shop, MOSCOT‚ at 94 Rivington Street. By 1950, MOSCOT was settled at 118 Orchard Street, on the corner of Delancey Street, where it remains to this day.
Today, the fourth generation Moscot siblings have reinvented what was once a neighbourhood optical shop into what is now a global lifestyle brand, beloved by fans worldwide.
MOSCOT is a New York City institution. The label infuses its unmistakably refined, downtown aesthetic with 100 years of eyewear expertise and unparalleled craftsmanship to create its timeless eyewear.