Contact Lenses
Daily Disposable Contact Lenses
As the name suggests daily disposable contact lenses let you put in a fresh pair each morning and simply toss them out at night. You should not sleep or nap while wearing daily lenses. A daily disposable routine provides the best possible outcome for your continuing eye health.
- For those who want to wear their lenses intensively without compromising on comfort, convenience or eye health
- Suits occasional wear such as sports and special occasions
- Available in transitions, helping to mitigate light sensitivity frequently experienced by contact lens wearers
- Ideal for people with allergies
- A soft contact lens
- Daily replacement can cost as little as a coffee per day. Do not re-use
- Our recommended daily disposable contact lens brands can be purchased in our online shop

Fortnightly Contact Lenses
Fortnightly contacts have a longer life, but they still require you to clean them every night and you should not sleep in them.
- Re-use up to 14 days then dispose of them, clean every day and store in lens case at night
- For people with busy agendas and work environments that demand a lot from your eyes such as working with digital screens
- Great wearing comfort
- A soft contact lens
- Our recommended fortnightly disposable contact lens brands can be purchased in our online shop

Monthly Contact Lenses
Monthly contact lenses have a wide prescription range and have a longer life, but they still require you to clean them every night and you should not sleep in them unless prescribed by your Optometrist to do so.
- Re-use up to one month then dispose of them, clean daily and store in lens case at night as maintenance of this routine is important for your eye health.
- Replace with fresh pair monthly
- A soft contact lens
- Our recommended Monthly disposable contact lens brands can be purchased in our online shop

Multi-focal Lenses
Presbyopia is a condition that affects most people as they age. Symptoms are usually noticed after reaching the age of 40. Gradually or suddenly, someone with presbyopia realizes they can’t read as clearly as they used to. Multi-focal lenses are available to correct this condition allowing reading and distant vision without glasses.
- Good distant view, in between area and nearby
- No visible transitions
- Now also available in daily disposable lenses
- Requires daily cleaning and storage in lens case
- Comfortable all day long
- Our Optometrists will prescribe the right multi-focal for you

Coloured Contact Lenses
- Clean every day and store in lens case at night
- Optimal oxygen permeability
- Perfect fit
- Replace monthly or every 3 months
- Stable vision
- All strengths possible
- A soft contact lens

Cleaning & Care
Proper contact lens care is vital for your comfort and ongoing eye health. The following are some suggestions your optometrist is likely to recommend.
- Wash, rinse, and dry hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses.
- Use soap that is free of oils, lotions, or perfumes.
- Dry hands with a lint-free towel.
- Use fingertips to handle contact lens (not fingernails or sharp objects like tweezers).
Check to ensure the contact lens is moist, clean, and damage free before attempting to insert in your eye. Never put a damaged contact lens in your eye.
- Replace your lenses as per the manufacturer specifications.
- Rinse out your lens case after each use with fresh contact lens cleaning solution and allow to air dry.
- If your eyes become red, irritated, or your vision changes, remove your lenses immediately and seek medical attention.
- Insert your lenses prior to applying make-up.
- Re-use cleaning solution
- Use tap water, saliva or any other liquid to moisturise or clean your lenses, use only recommended eyedrops or contact lens cleaning solution.
- Change cleaning or comfort drop brand and type unless prescribed.
- Sleep in your lenses unless prescribed.

Why wear contact lenses?
When taken care of properly contact lenses have some definite up sides such as great peripheral vision and they never fog up. As a complimentary vision solution to glasses, contact lenses offer freedom from many of the challenges associated with wearing glasses such as playing sport, certain vacation activities or that really special occasion.
Who can wear contact lenses?
Just about anyone. In recent years the technology in contact lenses has bounded forwards in comfort and function. Even if you just need reading glasses, contact lenses can work for you. Additionally, the myth that you can’t wear contacts if you have astigmatism is now truly a myth.
Costing less than one coffee a day contact lenses are an affordable alternative to glasses even for youth sports players on the weekend.
It’s important to appreciate that contact lenses may not be able to achieve the same high performance of spectacle lenses, and this depends on your eyewear prescription. So do discuss contact lenses with one of our optical professionals to fully understand what kind of lenses suit and fit your eyes as one type does not suit all wearers.